Недавнее содержимое от GrandeMestre

  1. GrandeMestre

    L2j C5 Server

    sorry for the question, is this an old project, or is there still someone dedicated to developing this project?
  2. GrandeMestre

    L2JDev Interlude - (Новое) Официальные обзоры

    normal installation to run any Java server. in loginserver folder you run " auth.bat, in Game Server folder you run Word.bat There is no difference, this rev is in aCis 405 version.
  3. GrandeMestre


    what is the project name?
  4. GrandeMestre

    Защита - C4

    are protections still developed for this version? Are there still people who dedicate their time to this? a lot of money must be involved.
  5. GrandeMestre

    PTS C4

    do you have script for Vanganth, of accumulative class?
  6. GrandeMestre

    PTS C4

    What material do you have?
  7. GrandeMestre

    с4 ява сервер

    Какие ошибки вы нашли в L2JLisvus? Были ли это гротескные ошибки? Думал выложить в онлайн, заканчиваю некоторых нпс.
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