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  1. Y

    help for Quest

    Oh, that's cool. I'm stuck while writing Deaton's first request, so I'm also studying. Originally, you had to click on a request form to accept the quest, but regardless of what you clicked, it was automatically accepted once it was in your inventory. So I'm trying to improve. I am also...
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    client studying

    @LightFusion, I think it will be difficult because I don't know how to use Interface.xdat.
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    help for Quest

    This is a list of quests that do not exist in the public version of Moebius. What version is it? import quests.Q10128_Experience the power of Soul Shot.Q10128_Experience the power of Soul Shot. import quests.Q10129_Experience the power of the blessed spirit bullet.Q10129_Experience the power of...
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    client studying

    The chat window font size is too small. Can I increase it?
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    Ваша история как вы попали в Lineage2

    Well, I think it's been over 10 years, but I don't remember exactly. At first, I was a black race, but while playing the game, I was surprised to see dwarves making items next to me, so I raised them as a dwarf again. At the time, it was difficult to collect data and we had to stay up all night...
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    Чистая папка system для 464 протокола

    Thank you for sharing so wonderfully
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    Can't use Soulshot

    L2ClientDat을 사용하여 클라이언트를 수정했는데 바로가기에 등록되어 있지 않아 Soulshot을 사용할 수 없었습니다. 이 문제를 해결하려면 어떻게 해야 합니까? 감사합니다
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    HTML Русифицированный 95% Essence 362

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    pretty skill effect

    skill_id=5182 skill_level=1 name=[보호의 축복] 여러분, 안녕하세요 오늘 흥미로운 것을 발견했습니다 스타터 모자를 쓰면 주변에 예쁜 효과가 생깁니다. 내 서버에는 이 효과가 없습니다. 보고 싶은 방법이 있나요?
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    Blessing of Protection

    아마도 Mobius는 다른 방식으로 할 것입니다. // Mobius: 레벨 차이를 관리합니다. // if (attacker.getLevel() < target.getLevel()) // { // power *= 1 - (Math.min(target.getLevel() - attack.getLevel(), 9) / 10); // }
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    Blessing of Protection

    Skill_id = 5182 skill_level = 1 skill_sublevel = 0 name = [Blessing of Protection] 레벨 10을 레벨 5로 줄이거나 없앨 수 있는 방법이 있습니까?
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    L2J_Mobius_Essence_6.3_Crusader - 388

    L2J_Mobius_Essence_6.3_Crusader - 388 id=96694 name=[Package: Antharas' Earring] The multi-enchantment system does not work on this item. Anyone know how to fix it?
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