Результаты поиска по запросу: *

  1. K

    Клиент год+ с откатом под хроники HF

    1000% L2jEternity !
  2. K

    PTS L2OFF Vanganth - Classic interlude protocol 110

  3. K

    Block Right Click

    Firstly check l2.ini for Automacro. There must be option to turn it on/off (boolean). If it won't help you and client doesn't support it, u will need to edit nWindow.dll if am i not mistaken.
  4. K

    Редактирование свечения заточки сетов

    armogrp.dat full_armor_enchant_effect_type=1 решает ваш проблему.
  5. K

    Essence 6.3 Crusader L2JMobius Source 12-5-2022

  6. K

    XDAT Editor with protocols (HF, 448, 64, 166, 196, 245, 286, 311, 338)

    Хорош! пробуем
  7. K

    Mobius Vanguard / Master Class Ch.2 / Full Client Lates / GeoData

  8. K

    Донат сервисы

    PrimePayments но комиссия...
  9. K

    Какая лучшая сборка?

    @LordWinter Eternity конечно
  10. K

    Перенос иконок Salvation->HF

    Enc->dec исползивал ?
  11. K

    Как правильно выставить респ рб, к примеру раз в 3 дня

    Crontab.guru - The cron schedule expression editor вот можеш всё наити
  12. K

    GE, GP2, HighFive сорц play4free.org

  13. K

    Crash Salvation Client

    skin mne l2gamedatanem skillgrp skillname Text me in discord : DoubleD#9595
  14. K

    Crash Salvation Client

    Info v skillgrp i v skillname dolkenn sovpodovat. If you will have just one line in skillgrp with skill level 1 and sublevel 0 you have to do exactly same in skillnname. skill_begin skill_id=40000 skill_level=1 skill_sublevel=0 icon_type=2 MagicType=0 operate_type=1...
  15. K

    Crash Salvation Client

    Its not server u have written in skillname sublevel 2030 ) u just have to delete every line in skillname corresponding to skill levels and sublevels from serverside.
  16. K

    Crash Salvation Client

    Sorry i dont have russian keyboard on laptop. If your skill has sublevel (enchantment) u have to provide it in skillgrp.dat and skillname.dat with sublevels and all stuff. Therefore you don't have sublevel in your skillgrp and you write sublevel in skillname it makes error. So be accurate if you...
  17. K

    Crash Salvation Client

    Ето custom скилл ? без етого скилла всё норм ?
  18. K

    Crash Salvation Client

    Ты берёш skillgrp с другим сервера ?
  19. K

    Crash Salvation Client

    думаю у вас проблема с L2GameDataName.dat
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