Результаты поиска по запросу: *

  1. genjax

    L2ReProject - Interlude [Закрыт для шары]

    the wait was totally worth it! Amazing work
  2. genjax

    L2ReProject - Interlude [Закрыт для шары]

    waiting for this!
  3. genjax

    auto target

    It is a server and client option, you need to modify both, although there is also a way to "skip" this with an algorithm to fool the client, I have it implemented on my h5 server.
  4. genjax

    GE, GP2, HighFive сорц play4free.org

    better than advext i think.
  5. genjax

    aCis Downgrade to C4

    here is a compiled version with login > C4 DOWNGRADE ACIS I no longer support this. It is based on aCis. I don't remember all the features but I have some ghosts like elfocrash and others do it by gvb. And have //classbalancer and //skillsbalancer in the game commands. Remember that all the NPC...
  6. genjax

    aCis Downgrade to C4

    genjax добавил(а) новый ресурс: aCis Downgrade to C4 - c4 pack based on aCis, i do it long time ago Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
  7. genjax

    Исходники aCis Downgrade to C4 379

    Hola, encontré en mi disco antiguo, lo hice hace mucho tiempo, puedes iniciar sesión con el cliente c4, y necesitas hacer los npcs en el cliente porque las ID son diferentes entre c4 e interludio.
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