Dar editor fail to encrypt


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As tittle says, all the dat editor i have, are not encrypt all lines of file... it need be around 150KB but the program encrypt only until 60+-.

For this reason it causing a lot of data miss...

The encrypt fails to encrypt NPCName.dat

Any tip helps, ty in advance!!!
what is the protocol of the client? if the software cannot encrypt, then there is an error, see the error when saving, I came across the classic in Armor-grp-classic when decrypt, something shifted and was not saved back, although everything worked from the main version
what is the protocol of the client? if the software cannot encrypt, then there is an error, see the error when saving, I came across the classic in Armor-grp-classic when decrypt, something shifted and was not saved back, although everything worked from the main version
388... well so far i understand... when more i edit the dat and add info... more and more he buggy... until he start to lose info... its the name of npc... so when i log ingame i start to find some names missing even been in the file.
388... well so far i understand... when more i edit the dat and add info... more and more he buggy... until he start to lose info... its the name of npc... so when i log ingame i start to find some names missing even been in the file.
Try using another program
u use share soft dat editor mobius?
Mobius soft bugged when save new names
Try using another program
this one bugs at some point.

u use share soft dat editor mobius?
Mobius soft bugged when save new names
yes. I believe the other 2 options in forum also are based in mobius dat editor.

i have this 3... i tryed with all them and no solution so far. Big files for encrypt get bugs.
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